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EAL Achievers

Learning Together. Achieving Together.

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A Brief History

“Achievers” is a Supplementary School for primary school-aged children that have English as an additional Language. It is a non-profit organisation and has been founded with the help and support of Suffolk County Council. The children mostly come from low income families. We currently have children from China, Germany, Kurdistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia and Turkey.

The aim of the school is to improve the children’s understanding of English. We teach English, Mathematics and British Values/History/Culture to children with English as an additional language (EAL).

The school is a registered member of the National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education. The NRCSE have a code of practice to ensure supplementary schools are run professionally.

We started our school in March 2015.

From September 2015 we are based at Ranelagh Primary School.  

In September 2016 we opened a Romanian class.

In April 2017 Achievers were awarded the NRCSE Silver, having previously received the Bronze Award. (Now we work towards the Gold Award, so watch this space!)

In September 2018 in addition to our normal classes we have introduced classes for younger children. This class is intended for 'Reception' aged children and will develop language skills for younger children. It is never too early to start learning and children pick up English very quickly at this age.

In May 2020 we started our online sessions.

At the end of each academic year, parents and children are asked to complete questionnaires. These help us to assess the progress and to find out how we can improve our services. This feedback system helps us to inform how Achievers should develop in the future.  As a result of the responses the school moved to the new premises last academic year and we added more educational trips to the programme this year.

We are also working with the wider community.

“Achievers” has recently been awarded the Art Certificates from Trinity College in London for the Constable project. We took part in Science project that was supported by Suffolk County Council and a History project “Unlocked and Museum Skills” that were supported by Ipswich museum. All children were awarded certificates for their hard work. We are working closely with New Wolsey Theatre. Our children took part in some of the workshops provided by the theatre; we are regularly visiting children’s performances.  We successfully run a short project with the Record Office. We also took part in IntoUniversity project that was run by Supplementary Schools Higher Education Project Group.

The school is also running creative educational projects based on local history, in order to help children with EAL to integrate into British life. Parents are encouraged to support their children's education and to take part in the projects, celebrations and trips. Some of the parents are management committee members other volunteer in our school.



During the Covid-19 we started providing alternative ways to support children and families who have EAL and from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

We created and delivered home learning packs that contained printed workbooks and art and craft resources. We then provided English, Maths and Art & Craft online video sessions for the children. We have continued to stay in touch with all our children and have helped and supported where we can. The online lessons have been a great success.


Join us today and help your child!

